星空平台,星空(中国)> 师资队伍> 学院师资> 教授> 正文>


2023-03-06 文字:  点击:[]

朱成军  博士 教授  博士生导师



1. 薄膜太阳能电池材料与器件

2. 低温固体氧化物燃料电池材料与器件


内蒙古大学  星空平台,星空(中国)

呼和浩特 010021

    话:  0471-4992958 

    真:  0471-4993141

E-mail   :   ndcjzhu@126.com






2004.09 – 2009.07

2009.07 – 2010.06

2010.07 – 2015.11


2010.05 – 2012.05

2012.10 –2019.08

2019.09 –   















理学博士学位 (硕博连读)





电子科学与技术 系主任






  研究生课程:《物理电子学》(学术硕士)、《光伏材料制备技术》 (专业硕士)  


1.主持 教育部产学合作协同育人项目,虚实结合的半导体物理学教学课程体系构建与创新人才培养,起止时间:202215.09 – 2024.08

2.主持 内蒙古自治区教学改革项目,研究生教育产学研协同创新人才培养模式探索,起止时间:2022.09 2023.12

3.主持 内蒙古自治区研究生教育教学改革研究与实践项目 产学研合作教学课程体系的研究和探索 项目编号YJG20151012606 起止时间:2015.09 – 2018.09

4.主持 内蒙古大学本科教育教学教改研究项目 《半导体物理》课程教学模式改革试点课程建设 起止时间2015.01 – 2015.07



物理学博士后3人,博士研究生 4人,物理学硕士研究生7人,电子与信息专业硕士研究生 5人。每年计划招生:博士后1-2人、物理学博士研究生 1-2 人、物理学硕士研究生 2-3 人、电子信息工程专业硕士研究生 2-3人。


        在站博士后    2人)张英博、李永治




在站博士后    1人):杨艳春




1.吕笑公:鄂尔多斯应用技术学院 教授

2.任宁宇:清华大学 博士后

3.贾  鑫:内蒙古军区 文职

4.刘佳美:内蒙古民族大学 教师

5.张英博:内蒙古大学 博士后

6.王  : 中科院深圳 博士后

7.王一鸣: 清华大学 深圳研究院 博士后




1. 2008年,获吉林大学精英杯学术成果 三等奖

2. 2009年,获吉林大学精英杯学术成果 二等奖

3. 2011年,获内蒙古大学大学生学术科技作品竞赛 优秀指导教师 称号

4. 2012年,获内蒙古大学大学生学术科技作品竞赛 优秀指导教师 称号

5. 2012年,获内蒙古大学国家级大学生创新性实验计划项目 优秀指导教师 称号

6. 2013年,主持电子科学与技术专业工程类创新型人才培养平台建设与实践获内蒙古大学高等教育教学成果 二等奖

7. 2015年,内蒙古自治区新世纪321人才工程计划第二层次人选

8. 2017年,内蒙古自治区新世纪321人才工程计划第二层次人选

9. 2022, 获内蒙古自治区教学成果一等奖



1. 2021.01至今    内蒙古大学第十届学术委员会 委员

2. 2021.06–至今    中国可再生能源学会第十届光伏专业委会 委员

3. 2014.112020.12  内蒙古大学第九届学术委员会物理学院教授委员会 委员

4. 2020.01至今    内蒙古自治区半导体光伏技术与能源材料重点实验室 主任

5. 2020.01至今    内蒙古自治区高等学校半导体光伏技术重点实验室 主任

6. 2015.04 –2019.12 内蒙古自治区高等学校半导体光伏技术重点实验室常务副主任

7. 受邀担任Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Energy Chemistry, Chemistry of Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry AACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Solar Energy Materials and Solar CellsElectrochemistry Communications等国际 SCI 学术期刊杂志特约审稿人。



近年来科研主要集中在与新兴能源相关的半导体光电材料制备与器件制作方面的实验研究工作,包括铜基薄膜太阳能电池和低温固体氧化物燃料电池的研究工作。研究内容涉及到铜锌锡硫硒薄膜太阳电池吸收层、缓冲层、窗口层等关键材料的制备和器件制作等诸多领域,也涉及到低温固体氧化物燃料电池的阴极、阳极、电解质、封接技术和测试技术。主持各类项目20余项,其中国家自然科学基金3内蒙古科技创新引导项目1项、内蒙古重点实验室重大开放课题1项、内蒙古重点实验室重大项目2项、内蒙古高校自然科学重点项目1项、内蒙古科学技术产业研究院技术创新引导项目1内蒙古重点研发与成果转化项目2内蒙古科技攻关项目1、呼和浩特市揭榜挂帅子课题项目2。目前在本领域Advanced Materials, ACS Nano, Advanced Sciences, Chemical Engineering Journal, Energy Storage Materials, Applied Physics Letters, Small, Energy Conversion and Management, Applied Surface Science, J. Power Sources, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces等国际期刊发表SCI学术论文70余篇授权中国发明专利3项。培养的研究生有3人被评为自治区优秀毕业硕士论文。


1. 半导体光电材料与器件,包括:铜锌锡硫硒薄膜太阳能电池等

2. 低温固体氧化物燃料电池材料与器件


1. 主持 国家自然科学基金项目:吸收层缺陷调控与界面缺陷钝化对铜锌锡硫硒薄膜太阳电池的开路电压和转换效率的影响”, 项目编号:62064010,起止时间:2021.01–2024.12

2.主持 国家自然科学基金项目:铜锌锡硫硒薄膜吸收层的金属有机溶液旋涂法制备及其光电性能研究”, 项目编号:11564027,起止时间:2016.01–2019.12

3.主持 国家自然科学基金项目:二维失配层状Ca3Co4O9-δ阴极及其纳米复相阴极的电化学性能和氧催化作用机理,项目编号:51262020,起止时间:2013.01–2016.12

5.主持 内蒙古科学技术研究院产业技术创新项目:氢能利用的低温半导体异质结构固体氧化物燃料电池关键材料与技术”, 项目编号:2023JSYD01002,起止时间:2022.01–2024.12

6.主持 自治区重点研发和成果转化计划项目子课题:动力电池用硅碳负极材料低温制备及关键技术研究(校企合作项目) ”,起止时间:2023.01–2025.12

7. 主持 自治区重点研发和成果转化计划项目子课题:用于集成电路的高纯电子特气六氟化钨关键技术研发与产业化(校企合作项目)”, 起止时间:202301–2025.12

8. 主持 内蒙古自治区科技计划项目:内蒙古自治区半导体光伏技术与能源材料重点实验室建设项目,起止时间:2023.01–2025.12

9. 主持呼和浩特市揭榜挂帅项目校企合作子课题12英寸集成电路应用于先进逻辑产品的单晶硅衬底研发及产业化项目”,起止时间:2024.01-2026.12


11.主持 内蒙古自治区科技创新引导项目:高效薄膜太阳电池和抗PID效应常规高效P型单晶硅电池的研制及产业化科研2017.01-2021.12

12.主持 内蒙古自治区实验室重大开放课题:高效铜基、硅基薄膜和钙钛矿薄膜太阳电池材料与器件的制备研究2017.07-2022.12

13.主要参与 国家自然科学基金项目:基于室温固体氧化物燃料电池的超晶格电解质界面效应研究”,项目编号:11264025,起止时间:2013.01 – 2016.12

14. 主要参与 内蒙古自治区科技创新引导项目:新型高效铜基中间带太阳电池和N型单晶硅双面太阳电池(N-PERT)研制及产业化,起止时间:2016.01 – 2018.12

15.主持 内蒙古自然科学基金面上基金项目简单稳定高性能的中低温固体氧化物燃料电池氧化物阴极材料的制备与性能研究,项目编号:2020MS5004,起止时间:2020.07 – 2022.12

16.主持 内蒙古自然科学基金项目:纳米晶Cu2ZnSnS4CZTS)薄膜的可控制备及其光电特性研究”, 项目编号:2012MS0117,起止时间:2012.01 – 2014.12

17.主持 内蒙古自治区高等学校科学研究重点项目AlS部分取代InSeCu(InAl)(SeS)2薄膜太阳电池材料制备工艺及性能研究,项目编号:NJZZ11013,起止时间: 2011.01 – 2013.12

18.主持 49批中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目:“Cu-Zn-Sn-硫族化物太阳电池薄膜吸收层材料的低成本制备及其光电特性研究,项目编号:20110491550 起止时间:2011.06 – 2013.04

19.主持 内蒙古大学高层次人才引进科研启动项目:新型复合阴极材料的电化学性能及在中低温固体氧化物燃料电池中的应用,项目编号:20090125起止时间:2009.11 – 2012.12


1. Yingbo Zhang, Decai Zhu, Zhonglong Zhao, Jiamei Liu, Yuzhao Ouyang, Jiangyu Yu,

Zhongqing Liu, Xixi Bai, Nan Wang, Lin Zhuang,* Wuming Liu, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Observation of Fast Low-Temperature Oxygen Ion Conduction in CeO2/��"-Al2O3 Heterostructure, Adv. Sci. 2024, 2401130-1-11. SCI, 一区学科一流期刊,IF14.300

2. Yingbo Zhang, Decai Zhu, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),*Jiamei Liu, Jiangyu Yu, Zhongqing Liu, Xixi Bai, Nan Wang, Yaohui Niu, Jiali Zhou, Designing of low-temperature high performance semiconductor ionic fuel cells based on molten hydroxide percolation network, Chemical Engineering Journal, 496 (2024) 154073-1-13. SCI, 一区学科一流期刊,IF13.300

3. Guonan Cui, Yanchun Yang,* Lulu Bai, Rui Wang, Zhihui Gong, Yongjun Cao,* Shuyu Li, Xiaogong Lv, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),*Introducing Bi2S3 Interlayer to Synergistically Modify Mo Back Contact and Regulate Bulk Defects in Kesterite Solar Cells, Small, 2024, 2405382-1-10. SCI, IF13.000

4. Yiming Wang, Yanchun Yang,* Ruijian Liu, Shuyu Li, Hongmei Luan,* Lei Wang, Letu Siqin, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Construction of a Low-Resistivity CarbonLayer ToImprove Performance in Dimethyl Sulfoxide-Based Kesterite Solar Cells, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 16(2024)3442−3450. SCI, 学科一流期刊,IF8.300

5. Yu He, Chenxi Zhao, Zecheng Lu, Ning Guo, Hongmei Luan, Yanchun Yang, Ruijian Liu*, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),*Optimizing the window layer for achieving over 10% efficient Cu2ZnSn(S, Se)4 solar cells, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 269(2024)112798. SCI, 学科一流期刊,IF6.300

6. Rensheng Wang,† YongfengLi,† Sisi Jia, Weifeng Wang, Yuhang Hu, Huanhuan Sun, Xiuqing Meng, Shihua Huang, Yanping Song,* Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),*In Situ Vanadium Modification Induced a Back Interfacial Field Passivation Effect toward Efficient Kesterite Solar Cells beyond 11% Efficiency, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 16(2024)46341−46350. SCI, 学科一流期刊,IF8.300

7. Lei Wang, Ruijian Liu, Hongmei Luan*, Yiming Wang, Letu Siqin, Shuyu Li, Jiayong Zhang, Bin Yao, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* The enhancement of CZTSSe solar cell performance through active construction of the double-layer absorber, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 266 (2024) 112670. SCI, 学科一流期刊,IF6.300

8. Letu Siqin, Wenjing Xin, Ruijian Liu, Hongmei Luan*, Lei Wang, Yiming Wang, Shuyu Li, Jingyuan Guo, Yu He, Jiayong Zhang, Bin Yao, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cells with over 10% power conversion efficiency enabled by dual passivation strategySolar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 272 (2024) 112880. SCI, 学科一流期刊,IF6.300

9. Yajin Mi, Yanchun Yang*, Guonan Cui, Rui Wang, Lulu Bai, Zhihui Gong, Shuyu Li, Xiaogong Lv, Yongjun Cao*, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Suppressing harmful defects to enhance the performance of kesterite solar cells via extra Mg-doping, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,1005 (2024) 176127. SCI,  IF5.800

10. Yunjie Bai, Yiming Wang, Ruijian Liu*, Yu He, Yuhao Zhang, Chu Liu, Hongmei Luan, Yanchun Yang, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),*Enhancing the performance of CZTSSe solar cells via an alternate spin-coating process with DMSO and DMFSolar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 274 (2024) 112976.SCI, 学科一流期刊,IF6.300

11. Junting Ren, Yanchun Yang,*, Oimod Haschuluu, Yanqing Liu, Xin Zhao, Rui Wang, Lulu Bai, Shuyu Li, Xiaogong Lv, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),*Solution-processed Cu3V(S,Se)4 absorbers for thin films solar cells, Ceramics International, 50(2024)26446–26453. SCI, 区,IF5.100

12. Guonan Cui, Xin Zhao, Yanchun Yang,* Junting Ren, Yanqing Liu, Rui Wang, Lulu Bai, Yiming Wang, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* and Xiaogong Lv, Regulating Air-Annealing Time for Boosting the Performance of Cu2ZnSn(S, Se)4 Solar Cells, Sol. RRL, 8(2024) 2300769. SCI, IF6.000

13. Yanqing Liu, Yanchun Yang*, Junting Ren, Guonan Cui, Xin Zhao, Rui Wang, Lulu Bai, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),*Investigating the preparation process of excellent Cu3VSe4 absorption layer prepared by amine-thiol system, Arabian Journal of Chemistry 17 (2024) 105839SCI, IF5.300

14. Zecheng Lu, Long Chen, Jianxian Zhou, Bing He,* Ruijian Liu, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Pan Xue, Yan Sun, Chunsheng Li, Lei Wei, Qingwen Li, Qichong Zhang*, Integrating High-Sensitivity Photodetector and High-Energy Aqueous Battery in All-in-One Triple-Twisted Fiber, ACS Nano, 172023 20087−20097SCI,学科卓越期刊,一区,IF17.1

15. Ningyu Ren, Cong Sun, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Lu Jin, Tiantian Li, Renjie Li, Bingbing Chen, Biao Shi, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang, Triple hole transporting and passivation layers for efficient NiOX-based wide-bandgap perovskite solar cellsApplied Physics Letters, 122, (2023)223903 SCINI指数期刊,学科卓越期刊,二区,IF3.971

16. Yingbo Zhang, Decai Zhu, Xin Jia, Jiamei Liu, Xinfang Li, YuZhao Ouyang, Ze Li, Xiaowei Gao, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Novel n−i CeO2/a-Al2O3 Heterostructure Electrolyte Derived from the Insulator a‑Al2O3 for Fuel Cells, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 15 (2023) 2419−2428SCI, 一区,学科一流期刊,IF10.383

17. Guonan Cui, Yanchun Yang*, Yajin Mi, Yiming Wang, Lei Wang, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Performance improvement of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cells by introducing thetiny rare-earth Ce3+, Applied Surface Science, 610 (2023) 155439.SCI, 一区,IF7.392

18. Jiamei Liu, Yifu Jing, Decai Zhu, Yingbo Zhang, Xinfang Li,Xin Jia,Yuzhao Ouyang, Xiaowei Gao, HongmeiLuan,* ZeLi, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* A Fe-doped Ba0.9K0.1FexCo1-xO3-δ perovskite phase cathode material for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 6 (2023) 6917−6925. SCI,二区,IF6.959

19. Yuzhao Ouyang†, Decai Zhu†, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),*  Yingbo Zhang, Jiamei Liu, Xin Jia, Jie Yu, Xinfang Li, Min Yang, Xiaowei Gao,Composite electrolyte with Ruddlesden-Popper structure Sm1.2Sr0.8Ni0.6Fe0.4O4+δ for high-performance low temperature solid oxide fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48(2023)268−279.    SCI,二区,IF7.139

20. Xin Jia, Yuzhao Ouyang, Jiamei Liu, Yingbo Zhang, Decai Zhu, Xinfang Li, Xiaowei Gao, Jie Yu, Ze Li, Guoliang Xing, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),*  Performance evaluation of Ca2.9-xBi0.1PrxCo4O9-δ cathode for anode-supported intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells, Materials Letters, 334 (2023) 133699.SCI二区IF3.574

21. Jiamei Liu, Decai Zhu, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Yifu Jing, Xin Jia, Yingbo Zhang, Min Yang, Jie Yu, Liangdong Fan, Muhammad Imran Asghar, Peter D. Lund, A heterostructure p-n junction constituting of fluorite and perovskite semiconductors for electrochemical energy conversion, Energy Conversion and Management, 269 (2022) 116107. SCI,一区,学科一流期刊,IF11.533

22. Ningyu Ren, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),*  Renjie Li, Sayantan Mazumdar, Cong Sun, Bingbing Chen, Qiaojing Xu, Pengyang Wang, Biao Shi, Qian Huang, Shengzhi Xu, Tiantian Li, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang, 50 °C low-temperature ALD SnO2 driven by H2O2 for efficient perovskite and perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells, Applied Physics Letters, 121 (2022) 033502. SCINI指数期刊,学科卓越期刊,二区,IF3.971

23. Yiming Wang, Yanchun Yang, Hongmei Luan, Ruijian Liu, Shuyu Li, Lei Wang,Chenxi Zhao, Letu Siqin, Wenjing Xin, Dandan Wang, Zhihong Mai, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Optimizing the properties of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cells via cationic substitution with trace Ca, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 921 (2022) 166070. SCI,二区,IF6.371

24. Ying Wang, Feiyu Zhou, Yuanhang Li, Peng Shi, Shuyin Xu, Yingchun Lyu, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Na2[Mn3Vac0.1Ti0.4]O7: A new layered negative electrode material for aqueous Na-ion batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 918 (2022) 165765. SCI,二区,IF6.371

25. Yajin Mi, Yanchun Yang, Guonan Cui, Junting Ren, Yanqing Liu, Xin Zhao, Xiao Tian, Tana Bao, Yiming Wang, Shuyu Li, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Exploring the optimal two-step selenization process to enhance the performance of ionic liquid solution based Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 thin film solar cells, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 909 (2022) 164740. SCI,二区,IF6.371

26. Jiamei Liu, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),*  Decai Zhu, Xin Jia, Yingbo Zhang, Jie Yu, Xinfang Li and Min Yang,High Performance Low-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Based on Nanostructured Ceria-Based Electrolyte, Nanomaterials,  11(2021) 2231. SCI,二区,IF5.719

27. Xiaogong Lv, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Yiming Wang, Lei Wang, Jianming Shi,Enhancement of the photovoltaic performance of Cd-alloyed Cu2ZnSn(S, Se)4 films based on a low-cost water-based solution process, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 874 (2021) 159898. SCI,二区,IF6.371

28. Xiaogong Lv, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Yanchun Yang, Ruijian Liu, Wenliang Fan, and Yiming Wang, Performance improvement of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)thin-film solar cells by optimizing the selenization temperature, AIP Advances, 11, (2021) 075205.SCI,四区,IF1.697

29. Guonan Cui, Yanchun Yang, Ruilan Chen, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Influence of extra trace Mn-doping on the properties of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 absorber layer, Optical Materials, 111 (2021) 110707.SCI,三区,IF3.754

30. Jingying Zhang, Yanchun Yang, Guonan Cui, H. Alata, Yiming Wang, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),*  Enhancing electrical properties of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 thin films via trace Co incorporationMaterials  Chemistry and Physics, 262 (2021) 124318. SCI,三区,IF4.778

31. Ren, Ningyu, Chen, Bingbing, Li, Renjie, Wang, Pengyang, Mazumdar Sayantan, Shi, Biao, Zhu, Chengjun, Zhao, Ying, Zhang, Xiaodan, Humidity-Resistant Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells with Over 20% Efficiency, Solar RRL, 5 (2021) 2000795. SCI,二区,IF9.173

32. Yiming Wang, Yanchun Yang, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),*  Hongmei Luan, Ruijian Liu, Lei Wang,   Chenxi Zhao, Xiaogong Lv, Boosting the Electrical Properties of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Solar  Cells via Low Amounts of Mg Substituting Zn, ACS  Appl. Energy Mater., 3(11)( 2020)11177–11182. SCI,二区,IF6.959

33. Xiaogong Lv, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Huimin Hao, Ruijian Liu, Yiming Wang, Junzhen Wang, Improving the performance of low-cost water-based solution-synthesised Cu2ZnSn1-xGex(S,Se)4 absorber thin films by germanium doping, Ceramics International, 46 (2020) 25638–2564. SCI,二区,IF5.532

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35. Li Xiao -GuoZhang XinShi Ze -JiaoZhang Hai -JuanChengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Zhan Yi - Qiang, Research Progress on Interface Passivation of n-i-p Perovskite Solar CellsActa Phys. Sin., 68(15) (2019) 158803-1-10. SCI,四区,IF0.906

36. Yuanyuan Zhao, Yueling Ju, Jiamei Liu, Mengru Shuai, Peng Zhang, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Performance evaluation of BaCo0.7Nb0.2Ta0.1 O3-δ cathode for intermediate - temperature solid oxide   fuel cells, Materials Letters, 238 (2019) 301–304. SCI,二区,IF3.574

37. Xiulong Zhu, Lusi A, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Yanjiao Wang, Jing Jin, Performance   evaluation of Ca3Co4O3-δ cathode on Sm0.075Nd0.075Ce0.85O2-δ electrolyte for solid oxide fuel cells,  Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 694 (2017) 877-883. SCI,二区,IF6.371

38. Jing Jin, Yanjiao Wang, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* A. Lusi, Xiulong Zhu, Preparation and   characterization of Ca3Co2O6 as cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells, Materials Letters, 187 (2017) 53–55. SCI,二区,IF3.574

39. Xiaogong Lv, Qian Liu, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),*  Zhiping Wang, Characterization of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 film by selenizing Cu2ZnSnS4 precursor film from co-sputtering process, Materials Letters, 180 (2016) 68–71. SCI,二区,IF3.574

40. Xiao-Gong Lv, Jing-Yu Wang, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Zhi-Ping Wang, Preparation and characterization of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 film by drop-coating of Cu2ZnSnS4 nanoink, Rare Met., 35(9)  (2016) 718–722. SCI,二区,IF6.318

41. Jifang Qiu, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Jingyu Wang, Qian Liu, Fabrication of Cu(In,Al)(S,Se)2 films by sulfurization and selenization of co-sputtered Cu-In-Al precursors, Materials Letters, 137 (2014) 196–199. SCI,二区,IF3.574

42. Chaozheng Wang, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Tianwei Zhang, Preparation and characterization of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 thin film as photovoltaic absorber material for solar cells, Materials Letters, 108 (2013) 62–64. SCI,二区,IF3.574

43. Chaozheng Wang, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Tianwei Zhang, Jian Li, CuIn(S,Se)2 Thin Films Prepared by Selenization and Sulfurization of sputtered Cu-In Precursors, Vacuum, 92 (2013) 7-12. SCI,二区,IF4.110

44. Tian-Wei Zhang, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Chao-Zheng Wang, Jian Li,Preparation and characterization of Cd12xZnxS buffer layers for thin film solar cells, Rare Met., 32(1) (2013)47–51. SCI,二区,IF6.318

45. ZhANG Tianwei, Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* WANG Chaozheng and LI Jian, Preparation and Characterization of Cd1-xZnxS Buffer Layers for Thin Film Solar Cells, Rare Metals, 32(1) (2013) 47–51SCI,二区,IF6.318

46. Chengjun Zhu(通讯作者),* Cuishan Yi, Luomeng Chao, Preparation and Performance of Pr-doped Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ cathode for IT-SOFCs, Journal of Rare Earths, 29(11) (2011)1070-1074. SCI,二区,IF4.632

47. Chengjun Zhu, Xiaomei Liu, Cuishan Yi, Dejun Wang, Duanting Yan, Tianquan Lü, Wenhui Su,   High-performance PrBaCo2O5+δ–Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 composite cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell, Journal of Power Sources, 195(11)(2010)3504-3507. SCI,一区,IF9.794

48. Chengjun ZhuXiaomei Liu, Cuishan Yi, Li Pei, Duanting Yan, Jiangpo Niu, Dejun Wang, Novel   BaCo0.7Fe0.3-yNbyO3-δ (y=0–0.12) as a cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell, Electrochemistry Communications,11 (2009) 958-961. SCI,二区,IF5.443

49. Chengjun Zhu, Xiaomei Liu, Cuishan Yi, Duanting Yan, Wenhui Su, Electrochemical Performance of   PrBaCo2O5+δ layered perovskite as an intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell cathode, Journal of Power Sources, 185( 2008)193-196. SCI,一区,IF9.794

50. Chengjun Zhu, Xiaomei Liu, Dan Xu, Dejun Wang, Duanting Yan, Li Pei, Tianquan Lü, Wenhui Su,   Electrochemical performance of Pr0.7Sr0.3Co0.9Cu0.1O3-δ– Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 composite cathodes in     intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources, 185 (2008) 212-216. SCI,一区,IF9.794

51. Chengjun Zhu, Xiaomei Liu, Dan Xu, Duanting Yan, Deyong Wang, Wenhui Su, Preparation and     Performance of Pr0.7Sr0.3Co1-yCuyO3-δ as Cathode Material of IT-SOFCs,  Solid State Ionics, 179 (2008) 1470-1473. SCI,三区,IF3.699


52. Haoran Yang, Kai Wu, Haikuo Guo, Jiali Wei, Jingwei Guo, Rui Liu, Xin Wang, Yali Bai, Yue Xu, Tiantian Li, Chengjun Zhu, FuhuaHou,* Crystallinity Control and Strain Release in Wide-Bandgap Perovskite Filmvia Seed-Induced Growth for Efficient Photovoltaics, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 16 (2024)42566−42576. SCI

53. Haikuo Guo, Jingwei Guo, Kai Wu, Haoran Yang, Jiali Wei, Xin Wang, Rui Liu, Tiantian Li, Chengjun Zhu, Fuhua Hou,*Highly efficient wide-bandgap perovskite solar cells prepared by fixing charge passivation in the interface layer, Appl. Phys. Lett., 125(2024)073904. SCI

54. Xuli Ning, Yulong Wang, Xiaoqi Ren, Haikuo Guo, Haoran Yang, Jiali Wei, Jingwei Guo, Tiantian Li, Chengjun Zhu, Fuhua Hou,*ZnO/SnO2 bilayer electron transport layer strategy to improve the performance of FAPbI3 solar cell, J. Appl. Phys., 135(2024) 015301. SCI

55. Chengran Guo,  Dongxiao Wang, Zhiqiang Guo,  Yingchun Lyu, Shuyin Xu,* Chengjun ZhuStable high energy density in orthogonal layered cathode achieved by trace-substitution strategy,  Appl. Phys. Lett., 125(2024) 073901. SCI

56. Jingyuan Guo, Lei Wang, Letu SiQin, Chenjun Yang, Yutian Wang, Yiming Wang, Shuyu Li, Ruijian Liu, Chengjun Zhu, Hongmei Luan,* CdS(In)/CZTSSe bandgap alignment engineering for performance enhancement of solar cells without ZnO layerSolar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 269 (2024) 112787SCI

57. Ze Li,† Yafei Li,* Qingzhang You, Meng Wang, Chengjun Zhu, Yuxing Yang, Hongmei Luan, Peijie Wang, Magnetic Purcell enhancement by plasmon-induced magnetic resonance of the nanoparticle-on-mirror configuration, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 110 (2024)013516. SCI

58. Shunliang Gao, Xiaohui Zhao, Qi Fu, Tianchi Zhang, Jun Zhu, Fuhua Hou, Jian Ni, Chengjun Zhu, Tiantian Li, Yanlai Wang, Vignesh Murugadoss, Gaber A.M. Mersal, Mohamed M. Ibrahim, Zeinhom M. El-Bahy, Mina Huang, Zhanhu Guo, Highly transmitted silver nanowires-SWCNTs conductive flexible film by nested density structure and aluminum-doped zinc oxide capping layer for flexible amorphous silicon solar cells, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 126 (2022) 152–160. SCI

59. Ze Li, Qingzhang You, Jin Li, Chengjun Zhu, Yingbo Zhang, Lisheng Zhang, Yan Fang, Peijie Wang, Boosting light- matter interaction in a hybrid anapole system, J. Phys. Chem. C , 127(2023)3594−3601. SCI二区IF4.177

60. Dongxiao Wang, Shuyin Xu, Jianlin Wang, Xiaohui Rong, Feiyu Zhou, Lifen Wang, Xuedong Bai, Bingan Lu,  Chengjun Zhu, Yuesheng Wang∗∗, Yong-sheng Hu, P2-Na0.55 [Mg0.25 Mn0.75 ]O 2 : An SEI-free anode for long-life and high-rate Na-ion batteries, Energy Storage Materials, 45 (2022) 92–100. SCI

61. Jie Gao, Yifan Hao, Shuyin Xu, Xiaohui Rong, Qingshan Lu,  Chengjun Zhu, Yong-Sheng Hu, A symmetric sodium-ion battery based on P 2-Na0.67 [Zn x Mn 1- x ]O2 as both positive and negative electrode materials, Electrochimica Acta, 399 (2021) 139421. SCI

62. Dan Xu, Xiaomei Liu, Chengjun Zhu, Dejun Wang, Duanting Yan,  Deyong Wang, Wenhui Su, Study on rare earth electrolyte of SDC-LSGM, Journal of Rare Earths, 26(2008) 241-244. SCI

63. WANG De-jun, LIU Xiao-mei, ZHU Cheng-jun, YAN Duan-ting, SUN Ying, LIU Fu-linSU Wen-hui“Influence of Carbon-doped Content on Formation Conditions of Coesite, CHEM. RES. CHINESE UNIVERSITIES, 25(6) (2009)1-4. SCI

64. Duanting Yan, Xiaomei Liu, Dan Xu, Chengjun Zhu, Wenguang Ma, Jiangbo Niu, Yixin Liu, Wenhui Su, Effect of Tb co-dopant on the electrical conductivity of Sm-doped ceria electrolyte, Solid State Ionics, 179 (2008) 995-999. SCI

65. Dan Xu, Xiaomei Liu, Shifeng Xu, Duanting Yan, Li Pei, Chengjun Zhu, Dejun Wang, Wenhui Su, Fabrication and performance of Ce0.85Sm0.15O1.925–Fe2O3 electrolytes in IT-SOFCsSolid State Ionics, 192 (2011) 510–514. SCI

66. Duanting Yan, Xiaomei Liu, Xinyu Bai, Li Pei, Minzhang Zheng, Chengjun Zhu, Dejun Wang, Wenhui Su, Electrical properties of grain boundaries and size effects in samarium-doped ceriaJournal of  Power Sources, 195(19)(2010) 6486-6490. SCI

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2.中国发明专利:朱成军,张英博,朱德才,于江宇,一种固体电解质材料及其半导体离子隔膜燃料电池,专利号:ZL 2024 1 0560404.X

3.中国发明专利:卜二军,朱成军,于江宇,朱德才,张英博,牛耀辉,一种Sr/Mg共掺杂LaAlO3电解质材料电池的制备方法,专 号:ZL 2024 1 0622325.7


