星空平台,星空(中国)> 师资队伍> 学院师资> 副教授、高级实验师、高级工程师> 正文>


2016-07-08 文字:  点击:[]

常虹,女,讲师,1995年和1998于吉林大学材料科学与工程系获学士学位和硕士学位, 2001年在北京大学获理学博士学位。2001至2003年, 中科院物理所博士后。先后在西班牙科学院马德里材料研究所做青年科学家访问学者,及德国马普所马普奖学金资助。2010年进入内蒙古大学工作。






1. 内蒙古自然科学基金(面上): 2011年1月-2013年12月, 2011BS0101,带有包覆层的SmCo5基纳米复合材料的永磁性能,5万元

2. 国家自然科学基金(地区): 类钙钛矿层状化合物和薄膜的制备,自旋、电荷和晶格耦合以及磁、电特性。2013年1月-2016年12月, 11264024,56万元

3. 内蒙古大学科研启动经费,20万元




1.       Chang Hong, Wu Qiang, ‘Magnetic and transport properties of electron-doped Ca3-xBixMn2O7’, applied physics a, 2013, oct (DOI 10.1007/s00339-013-7991-x)

2.       CHANG Hong, YANG Meiyun, LIU Jing, YU Yong, ‘Highly Sensitive GMI Sensor with an Equivalent Noise 0.3 nT’, ICE (已接收)

3.    常虹,巨磁阻传感器的研究进展,传感器与微系统,2011年第30卷增刊1,页码:4~8页

4.     CHANG Hong, ZHAO Yong-gang, enhanced Mangeic and Ferroelectric Properties and Current-Voltage Hysteresis by Addition of La and Ti to BiFeO3 on 0.7%Nb-SrTiO3, Chinese Physics Letters 28 (6), 067503 (2011) June (影响因子1.07)

5.     Y.F. Cui, Y.G. Zhao, L.B. Luo, J.J. Yang, H. Chang, M.H. Zhu, D. Xie, T.L. Ren, Dielectric, magnetic, and magnetoelectric properties of La and Ti codoped BiFeO3, Appl. Phys. Lett., 97, 222904 (2010) (影响因子3.82)

6.    H. Chang, M. García-Hernández, M. Retuerto, J.A. Alonso, “Co-doped Sr2FeMoO6 Double Perovskites: A Plausible Scenario for Phase Segregation”, Phys. Rev. B, 73, 104417(2006) MAR 影响因子3.772

7.    Hong Chang, Mar García-Hernández, Jose Alonso, “Unusual Magnetic and Transport Properties of Oxygen Deficient Sr2Fe1-xCoxMoO6-d”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 182501 (2006) oct. 30 (影响因子3.82)

8.    Hong Chang, Jing-kui Liang, Yong-quan Guo, Guang-hui Rao, Shun-quan Liu and Hong-lin Du, “Influence of exotic Mn on magnetic properties of YCo5.0-xMnxGa7.0 (0.05 <= x <= 3.0)”, Appl. Phys. A: Materials Science & Processing 81(6) (2005) 1309-1312 Nov (影响因子1.795)

9.     Hong Chang, Yong-quan Guo, Lin-tao Yang, Jun Luo, Quan-lin Liu, Wei-cun Feng, Jing-kui Liang and Guang-hui Rao, “Structure and magnetic properties of ScFe6Ga6-type RCo5Ga7 (R = Y, Tb, Dy, Ho and Er) ”, J. Solid State. Chem. 177(11), P 4341-4345 (2004)Nov (影响因子2.261)

10.  Hong Chang, Yong-quan Guo, Jing-kui Liang and Guang-hui Rao, “Magnetic ordering and irreversible magnetization between ZFC and FC states in RCo5Ga7 Comounds”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 278, 306-310 (2004) 306-310 Jul (影响因子1.689)

11.  Hong Chang, Jing-Kui Liang, Bao-Gen Shen, Lin-Tao Yang, Fang Wang, Nan-Xian Chen, and Guang-Hui Rao, “Thermal Expansion Coefficients of LaFe11.7Si1.3”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36, 160-164 (2003) (影响因子2.105 )

12.  Hong Chang, Nanxian Chen, Jingkui Liang and Guanghui Rao, “Theoretical Study of the Phase Forming of the NaZn13-type Rare-earth Intermetallics”, J. Phys. Condens. Matt. 15 (2), 109-120 (2003) JAN 22 (影响因子2.332)

13.  Hong Chang, Nanxian Chen, Jingkui Liang and Guanghui Rao, “Structural Stability and Imitation of La2Co17-xMx (M = Mn, Mo, Nb, Ti, V, Al, Cr, Ni and Si)”, European Physical Journal B 33(1), 55-60 (2003) (影响因子1.575)

14.  Hong Chang, Xiaodong Zhang, Jinbo Yang, Yingchang Yang, Honglin Du, Baisheng Zhang, Yue Ma, Desheng Xue, Fashen Li, Jiangshen Jiang, “A Neutron diffraction and a Mossbauer study of NdFe9.25Si1.75Cx compounds”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 248, 341-347 (2002) (影响因子1.689)

15.  Hong Chang, Xiaodong Zhang, Yingchang Yang, “The first-order magnetization process (FOMP) in NdFe9Si2Cx(x = 0.5,1.0,1.0), Solid State Comm. 119, 607-612 (2001) (影响因子1.978)

16.  Hong Chang, Xiaodong Zhang, Yingchang Yang, “A Study on the effect of hydrogen in the compounds with BaCd11-type structure”, Solid State Comm. 119, 403-407 (2001) (影响因子1.978)

17.  Hong Chang, Xiaodong Zhang, Yingchang Yang, “Magnetic and Structural Properties of R(Fe1-xCox)9Si2C1.0 (R = Ce, Nd, Sm)&shy;&shy;&shy; compounds”, Physica B 328(3-4), 312-316 (2003) (影响因子0.856)

18.  Xiaodong Zhang, Hong Chang, Yingchang Yang, “Structural and magnetic properties of RFe9Si2Cx compounds (R = Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm; x = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5)”, J. Appl. Phys. 89, 2852-2856 (2001) (影响因子2.064)

19.  Weihua Mao, Changguo Ji, Hong Chang, and Yingchang Yang, “Study on the magnetic moments of PrFe10.5V1.5 and PrFe10.5V1.5Nx compounds”, Solid State Comm., 111, 165-169 (1999) (影响因子1.978)

20.  L.T. Yang , J.K. Liang , G.B. Song , H.F. Yang , H. Chang, G.H. Rao, “Crystal structure and physical properties of FeSr2GdCu2O7+δ” J. Alloys and Comp. 351, 47-9 (2003) (影响因子2.134)

21.  L.T. Yang, J.K. Liang, G.B. Song, H. Chang, G.H. Rao, “Compounds and phase relations in the SrO-Fe2O3-CuO, SrO-Fe2O3-Gd2O3 and Gd2O3-Fe2O3-CuO ternary systems” J. Alloys and Comp. 353, 301-6 (2003) (影响因子2.134)

22.  W.F. Liu, G. H. Rao, Z.W. Ouyang, H.F. Yang, G.Y. Liu, X.M. Feng, H. Chang, and J.K. Liang, “Decoupling between rare-earth moment and transition metal moment in NdCo12-xVx compounds”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 4743 (2003) (影响因子3.82)

23.  Yongquan Guo, Xiumei Li, Minggang Zhu, Wei Li, Hong Chang, Jingkui Liang, Solid State Comm. 132, 365 (2004) (影响因子1.978)

24.  W. Mao, X. Zhang, C. Ji, H. Chang, B. Cheng, Y. Yang, H. Du, Y. Xue, B. Zhang, L. Wang, and F. Li, Structural and magnetic properties of PrFe12-xVx and their nitrides, Acta Mater. 49, 721-728 (2001)(影响因子3.781)


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