星空平台,星空(中国)> 师资队伍> 博士生导师> 正文>


2016-07-08 文字:  点击:[]


教授, 博士生和硕士生导师

内蒙古大学  星空平台,星空(中国) 

呼和浩特 010021



Email: zhsf@imu.edu.cn






教育 情况

2003.9-2008.6   南京大学 凝聚态物理 硕博士连读 博士学位 


2015.6-  现在   星空平台,星空(中国) 教授 博士生导师

2014.6-2015.6   星空平台,星空(中国) 副教授 博士生导师

2011.6-2014.6   星空平台,星空(中国) 副教授 硕士生导师

2008.5-2011.6   南京大学固体微结构国家重点实验室 博士后、副研究员








凝聚态物理(实验方向), 研究方向包括:






1. 主持 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)前期研究专项,资助号2012CB626815,科研经费58万元,起止时间:2012.08-2014.08

2. 主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目,资助号12374258,科研经费53万元,起止时间:2024.01-2027.12

3. 主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目,资助号12074204,科研经费62万元,起止时间:2021.01-2024.12

4. 主持 国家自然科学基金地区项目,资助号11864028,科研经费42万元,起止时间:2019.01-2022.12

5. 主持 国家自然科学基金地区项目,资助号11564028,科研经费47万元,起止时间:2016.01-2019.12

6. 主持 国家自然科学基金地区项目,资助号11264026,科研经费52万元,起止时间:2013.01-2016.12

7. 主持 国家自然科学基金青年项目,资助号10904065 ,科研经费23万元,起止时间:20101- 201212

8. 主持 内蒙古自治区重点项目,资助号 2022ZD06, 科研经费50万元,2022.01-2024.12

9. 主持 内蒙古自治区杰出青年科学基金,资助号 2014JQ01, 科研经费30万元,2014.01-2016.12

10. 主持 内蒙古自治区青年科技英才支持计划,科研经费20万元,起止时间:2013.01-2014.12

11. 主持 内蒙古自治区关键技术攻关项目2021GG0429科研经费80万元,2021.07-2024.06

12. 主持 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金面上项目,资助号 2018MS003, 科研经费6万元,2018.01-2020.12

13. 主持 内蒙古大学高层次人才科研启动基金,资助号115109,科研经费50万元,起止时间:2012.01-2013.12

14. 主持 内蒙古自治区草原英才产业创新团队“稀土微纳米功能材料与器件”,科研经费:30万元,起止时间:2021.01-2023.12

15. 主持 内蒙古自治区高等学校创新团队发展计划“电介质储能与固态制冷”,科研经费:50万元,起止时间:2022.01-2024.12

16. 主持 内蒙古自治区草原英才项目滚动项目,科研经费10万元,起止时间:2020.01-2022.12

17. 主持 内蒙古自治区草原英才项目,科研经费10万元,起止时间:2017.01-2018.12

18. 主持 内蒙古自治区人才开发项目,科研经费5万元,起止时间:2018.01-2019.12

19. 主持 中国博士后科研基金会第二批特别资助项目,资助号200902512科研经费10万元,起止时间:2009.01-2011.06

20. 主持 中国博士后科研基金面上项目,资助号20080441042科研经费3万元,起止时间:2008.09-2010.06























1. 教育部、中国科协英才计划物理学科导师

2. 国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家

3. 科技部重点研发专项通讯评审专家、会议评审专家

4. 中国博士后基金通讯评审专家

4. 内蒙古大学第九届、第十届学术委员会星空平台,星空(中国)教授委员会委员

5. Rare Metal 青年编委

6. SCI国际学术期刊Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Acta Materialia, Advanced Powder Materials, Journal of Applied Physics, ACS Energy Letters, Small Methods, ACS Applied materials and Interface, ACS Applied Nano Materials, ACS Omega, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Journal of Power Sources, Journal of Materiomics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Ceramics International, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Journal of Advanced Ceramics, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Nanoscale Research Letters, Electronic Materials Letters, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Smart Materials and Structures, Materials Research Express, Applied Physics A, Materials Letters, Biochemical Science, Royal Society Open Science, ChemNanoMat, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Nanomaterials, RSC Advances, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, Solar Energy, Journal of Energy Storage, Energy Technology, Journal of Molecular Structure, Crystal, Crystal Research and Technology, Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Materials Characterization, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, Materials Science and Engineering B, Journal of Electronic Materials, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters, Physica Status Solidi A, Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Solid State Physics, Physica B, Physica E, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Journal of Cluster Science, Applied Surface Science, Journal of Material Science, Vacuum, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Frontiers of Physics, Results in Physics, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, Journal of King Saud University - Science, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, Acta Crystallographica Section B, Surface and Interface, Frontiers in Materials, Thin Solid Films, Coating, Physica Scripta, Optical Materials, Materials Research Bulletin, Materials Express, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Advanced Theory and Simulations, Micro and Nanostructures, Physica Scripta, Journal of Advanced Dielectric, Physica Scripta86个国际期刊特邀审稿人。




1. 赵世峰邢文宇 著,《团簇组装多铁性薄膜》,科学出版社, 255千字,ISBN: 978-7-03-042126-5, 201411月。

2. 赵世峰白玉龙,陈介煜 著,《无铅基铋系钙钛矿铁性薄膜》,科学出版社,363千字,ISBN:978-7-03-055664-6, 20183月。


1. Yaoxiang Jiang, Jianguo Niu, Cong Wang, Donglai Xue, Xiaohui Shi, Weibo Gao, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Experimental demonstration of tunable hybrid improper ferroelectricity in double-perovskite superlattice films, Nature Communications, 15, 5549(2024)

2. Yang Li, Wei Lin, Cong Wang, Shumin Zhang, Yunfei He, Weibo Gao,  Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Domain dynamics response to polarization switching in relaxor ferroelectrics, Advanced Materials, 2411467(2024)

3. Pengjv Zhao, Chunyan He, Yang Li, Yating Su, Yulong Bai(通讯作者), Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Direct magnetoelectric coupling in Pr doping Bi6Ti3Fe2O18 relaxor ferroics, Applied Physics Letters, 125(17), 233076 (2024)

4. Yaping Liu, Jiayi Zhang, Hongyu Du, Tian Qin, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Heterogeneous integration photoferroelectrics for self-powered photoelectric detectors, Applied Physics Letters, 125, 021103(2024)

5. Bo Liu, Kun Li, Kewei Li, Xiaoqiong Wang, Yukun Tan, Shifeng Zhao, Wenping Zhou, Shuya Xing, Wenyun Yang, Shunquan Liu, Hong Chang, Strong microwave absorption of Fe-deficient SrFe9.4Cu0.8Sn0.5O19-d with enhanced permittivity and ferromagnetic resonance by high annealing temperature, Applied Physics Letters, 125, 012401(2024)

6. Jianguo Niu, Yaoxiang Jiang, Xiaohui Shi, Donglai Xue, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Domain-modified engineering for low-power resistive switching in ferroelectric diodes, Applied Physics Letters, 124(4), 043503(2024).

7. Yueshun Zhao, Ruoyun Zhang, Yongquan Chen, Lei Zhang, Bo Yang, Guohong Yun, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Interfacial lattice coupling engineering in all-inorganic coupled flexible films for dielectric energy storage, Acta Materialia, 264, 119554(2024).

8. Yaping Liu, Jiayi Zhang, Tian Qin, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Carrier transport engineering in a polarization-interface-free ferroelectric PN junction for photovoltaic effect, Optics Express, 32(5), 7044(2024).

9. Xiaoxu Bao, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), High performance near ultraviolet ray detector by cluster-wrapped surface structure in ferroelectrics, Chemical Engineering Journal, 490, 151630(2024).

10. Penju Zhao, Chunyan He, Yating Su, Yebin Zou, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Probing ballistic photovoltaic currents in Bi6PrTi3Fe2O18 multiferroics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 44(10), 5752(2024)

11. Ruoyun Zhang, Yueshun Zhao, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Inhibition of oxygen vacancy derived from donor doping in relaxor ferroelectric films for improving dielectric energy storage, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128, 4395(2024).

12. Shumin Zhang, Yang Li, Wei Lin, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Superior energy storage performances of Aurivillius relaxor ferroelectric films at medium electric field derived from insert layer engineering, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128, 15330(2024).

13. Xianfeng Wu; Hao Luo; Hongyu Guo; Junjie Liu; Yulong Bai; Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Tuning of multiferroic traits in BiFeO3 ceramics by electronic structure, Ceramics International, 50(11), 18853(2024).

14. Rui Liu, Fei Guo, Yapng Liu, Ariunbayasgalan Alyeksyei, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Defect dipole engineering for regulating ferroelectric photovoltaic performances in BiFeO3SrCoO2.5 solid solution films, Applied Physics A, 130, 330 (2024).

15. Qiliger Bao, Xiaoxu Bao, Chunyan He, Dan Wu, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao, Precisely Tailoring Ferroelectric Photocurrent via Magnetic Spin Chain toward Efficient Self-Powered UV Photodetectors, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128, 13763(2024).

16. Yang Li, Wei Lin, Bo Yang, Shumin Zhang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Domain dynamics engineering in ergodic relaxor ferroelectrics for dielectric energy storage, Acta Materialia, 255, 119071(2023).

17. Yaping Liu, Yueshun Zhao, Rui Liu, Jiayi Zhang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Ferroelectric photovoltaic response engineered by lattice strain derived from local metal ion dipoles, Optics Letters, 48(6), 1582(2023).

18. Fei Guo, Yaping Liu, Rui Liu, Siyuan Guo, Haojie Xu, Yang Li, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), The evolution between ferroelectric photovoltaic effect and resistance switching behavior engineered by the polarization field and barrier characteristics, Optics Express, 31(15), 24273-24282 (2023).

19. Fei Guo, Rui Liu, Siyuan Guo, Yaping Liu, Lei Gao, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Simultaneous improvement of polarization and bandgap by finite solid solution engineering, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25, 32372(2023).

20. Xiaoxu Bao, Juyi Wang, Xianfeng Wu, Chunyan He, Hao Luo, Qiligeer Bai, Vrhn Bao, Yulong Bai, Junjie Liu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), The symmetry aspect of magnetocaloric effect in LaBi0.3Ca0.7MnO3 manganites, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 671, 415410(2023).

21. Yebin Zou, Chunyan He, Penju Zhao, Qiligeer Bai, Hao Luo, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Distinguishable Separation of Artificial ElectronOxygen Vacancy Pairs Using Heterovalent Doping Effect for Ferroelectric Photovoltaics, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127, 21999(2023).

22. Ning Jiang, Hengbin An, Yulong Bai, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Planar Hall effect modified by the evolution of magnetic domain states, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,127, 9154(2023). (封面论文)

23. Yaoxiang Jiang, Xin Wu, Jianguo Niu, Yunpeng Zhou, Ning Jiang, Fei Guo, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Gradient Strain-Induced Room-Temperature Ferroelectricity in Magnetic Double-Perovskite Superlattices, Small Methods,  7, 2201246(2023). (封面论文)

24. Lei Zhang, Xiaoxu Bao, Chunyan He, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Microscopic Insight into Structure Determination of Ferroelectric Photovoltaics in Aurivillius-Phase Ferroelectrics, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127, 14599(2023)

25. Yulong Bai, Ning Jiang, Lei Zhang, Pengju Zhao, Junyu Wang, Juyi Wang, Yunming Li, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), The near room temperature electrocaloric cycling refrigeration in Bi5Ti3FeO15/BiFeO3 mesoscopic composites: Experiment and simulation, Ceramic International, 49, 4298(2023).

26. Zhehong Tang, Yunpeng Zhou, Ning Jiang, Fei Guo, Jieyu Chen, Bo Yang,  Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Leakage-limitation engineering derived from interfacial charge barrier for dielectric energy storage in relaxation ferroelectric films, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127, 15078(2023)

27. Zhehong Tang, Yunpeng Zhou, Bo Yang, Jieyu Chen, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Giant negative electrocaloric effect over a wide temperature region (263-373K) in lead-free BiFeO3/Bi4Ti3O12 composite films, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 172, 111054(2023).

28. Wenlong Su, Guixin He, Xiaoxu Bao, Chunyan He, Ying Li, Lingding Zhang, Ying Zhang, Jiale Liu, Jiawei Chen, Jieyu Chen, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), The practical doping principles of tuning antiferromagnetic state in BiMn2O5 ceramics, Applied Physics A, 129, 108(2023).

29. Yulong Bai, Yongquan Chen, Lei Zhang, Junyu Wang, Jieyu Chen, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Maxwell-Wagner polarization engineering in ferroelectric photovoltaic effect, Journal of Applied Physics, 132, 224106(2022)

30. Yang Li, Wei Lin, Bo Yang, Fei Guo, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Giant Negative Electrocaloric Effect over an Ultra-Wide Temperature Region in Relaxation Frozen State Ferroelectrics, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 53007(2022).

31. Ning Jiang, Bo Yang, Yaoxiang Jiang, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者),  Ultra-sensitive angledeviationfeedback based on a jump switching of anisotropic magnetoresistance effect in cluster-assembled nanostructured films, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126, 18931(2022) (封面论文)

32. Yueshun Zhao, Bo Yang, Yaping Liu, Yunpeng Zhou, Qiong Wu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Capturing carriers and driving depolarization by defect engineering for dielectric energy storage, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 6547(2022).

33. Yunpeng Zhou, Jieyu Chen, Ning Jiang, Fei Guo, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Energy storage performances of La doped SrBi5Ti4FeO18 films, Chemical Engineering Journal, 431, 133999 (2022).

34. Jieyu Chen, Yunpeng Zhou,Fei Guo, Zhehong Tang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Lead-free Nb-based dielectric film capacitors for energy storage applications, Tungsten, 4, 296(2022).

35. Qiong Wu, Lei Zhao, Xinghao Chen, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Efficiently enhanced energy storage performance of Ba2Bi4Ti5O18 film by co-doping Fe3+ and Ta5+ ion with larger radius, Chinese Physics B, 31, 097701(2022).

36. Ning Jiang, Yulong Bai*(通讯作者), Hengbin An, Huatian Zhang, Yongquan Chen, Guixin He and Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Sensitive angle-dependent magnetoelectric coupling in cluster-assembled flexible composites, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 34, 265301(2022)

37. Yulong Bai, Xiaoli Gou, Yaping Liu, BoYang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), The regulation of ferroelectric photovoltaics by non-compensated doping engineering, Ceramics International, 48, 5204(2022).

38. Qiong Wu, XingHao Chen, Lei Zhao, YueShun Zhao,YunPeng Zhou, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), The relaxor properties and energy storage performance of Aurivillius compounds with different number of perovskite-like layers, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 911, 165081(2022).

39. Xiaoli Gou, Yaping Liu, Ning Jiang, Yang Li, Yaoxiang Jiang, Zhehong Tang, Jieyu Chen, Yulong Bai*(通讯作者), Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Non-ferroelectric intercalation structure based on Aurivillius phase Bi4Ti3O12: A research arena to achieve high energy storage performance, Ceramics International, 48, 9534(2022).

40. Yaping Liu, Bo Yang, Fei Guo, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Enhanced photovoltaic effect derived from the regulation of Jahn-Teller distortion in a lattice compensation structure, Applied Physics Letters, 119(23), 233901(2021).

41. Yunpeng Zhou, Jieyu Chen, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Ultrahigh energy storage performances derived from the relaxation behaviors and inhibition of the grain growth in La doped Bi5Ti3FeO15 films, Chemical Engineering Journal, 424, 130435 (2021).

42. Ning Jiang, Bo Yang, Yulong Bai, Yaoxiang Jiang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Sign reversal of anomalous Hall effect derived from the transformation of scattering effect in cluster-assembled Ni0.8Fe0.2 nanostructural films, Nanoscale, 13, 11817(2021). 封面论文RSC公众号推送.

43. Yueshun Zhao, Bo Yang, Qiong Wu, Yunpeng Zhou, Fei Guo, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Oxygen polyhedral dipole-dipole interaction induced domain reconstructing and relaxor behaviors in layered perovskite films for dielectric energy storage, Nanoscale, 13, 16226(2021).

44. Fei Li, Yulong Bai*(通讯作者), Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Cluster size dependent linear magnetoelectric coupling effect in Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3/FeCo composites, Physica Status Solidi (RRL)-Rapid Research Letters, 15, 2100389 (2021).

45. Qiong Wu, Yueshun Zhao, Yunpeng Zhou, Xinghao Chen, Xin Wu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Energy storage properties of composite films with relaxor antiferroelectric behaviors, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 881, 160576 (2021).

46. Zhehong Tang, Jieyu Chen, Bo Yang, Meng Zhang, Tianshun Cao, Yunpeng Zhou, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Ultra-high energy storage performances induced by weaker La-O orbital hybridization in (Na0.85K0.15)0.5Bi4.5-xLaxTi4O15 relaxor ferroelectric films, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125, 4986(2021).

47. Fang Wang, Cong Zhu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Good energy storage properties of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 thin films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 869, 159366(2021).

48. Zhifeng Shi, Yaping Liu, Fei Guo, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), The enhancement of energy storage performances via combining relaxor behaviors with the crucial point of solubility limit, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 32(9), 12557(2021).

49. Xiaoli Gou, Yulong Bai*(通讯作者), Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), K0.5Na0.5NbO3Bi4-xPrxTi3O12 relaxation ferroelectric capacitor with piezoelectric unit inserted into Bi4Ti3O12 matrix, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 869, 159313(2021).

50. Fang Wang, Cong Zhu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), High energy storage density of NBT-0.10BFO solid solution films, Ceramics International, 47, 8653(2021).

51. Fang Wang, Jieyu Chen, Zhehong Tang, Fei Guo, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), High energy storage properties for the lead-free NBT-0.1BFO-0.068La relaxor ferroelectric film, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 854, 157306(2021)

52. Yulong Bai, Xin Wu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Oxygen vacancy modulating inverse and conventional magnetocaloric effects coexisting in double perovskite Bi2NiMnO6-δ films, Ceramics International, 47, 6614(2021).

53. Jieyu Chen, Zhehong Tang, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Ultra-high energy storage performances regulated by depletion region engineering sensitive to the electric field in PNP-type relaxor ferroelectric heterostructural films, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8, 8010(2020).

54. Fei Guo, Zhifeng Shi, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), The role of PN-like junction effects in the energy storage performances for Ag2O nanoparticles dispersed lead-free K0.5Na0.5NbO3-BiMnO3 films, Nanoscale, 12, 7544(2020).

55. Ning Jiang, Yulong Bai, Bo Yang, Dezhi Wang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Switchable metal-insulator transition in core-shell clusters assembled nanostructural films, Nanoscale, 12, 18144(2020).

56. Fei Guo, Zhifeng Shi, Bo Yang, Yaping Liu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Flexible lead-free Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-EuTiO3 solid solution film capacitors with stable energy storage performances, Script Materialia, 184, 52(2020).

57. Fei Guo, Zhifeng Shi, Yaping Liu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Energy storage performances regulated BiMnO3 proportion in limited solid solution films, Chinese Physics B, 11, 116801(2020).

58. Qiong Wu, Xin Wu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Intrinsic open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current of ferroelectric photovoltaic effect, Applied Physics A, 126, 883(2020).

59. Qiong Wu, Xin Wu, Yueshun Zhao, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Design of lead-free films with high energy storage performance via inserting single pervoskite into Bi4Ti3O12, Chinese Physics Letters, 37, 118401(2020).

60. Fei Guo, Zhifeng Shi, Yaping Liu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), The modification of contribution: electric conductivity, dielectric displacement and domain switching in ferroelectric hysteresis loops, Applied Physics A, 126, 922(2020).

61. Dan Wu, Yu Xiao, Liangliang Zhang, Xiaoling Dong, Shifeng Zhao, Wenping Zhou, Qingshan Lu, Jiahua Zhang*, Highly efficient and thermally stable luminescence of Ca3Gd2Si6O18:Ce3+, Tb3+ phosphors based on efficient energy transfer, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8, 17176(2020)

62. Yulong Bai, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), In-situ stress modulated ferroelectric photovoltaic effect in cluster-assembled TbFe2/Bi5Ti3FeO15 heterostructural films, Applied Physics Letters, 115(26), 261602(2019).

63. Fei Guo, Ning Jiang, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Segregation particles induced ultrahigh energy storage performances in BiMnO3 modified BaTiO3 films, Applied Physics Letters, 114(25), 253901(2019)

64. Zhehong Tang, Jieyu Chen, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Energy storage performances regulated by layer selection engineering for doping in multi-layered perovskite relaxor ferroelectric films, Applied Physics Letters,  114(16), 163901(2019).

65. Ning Jiang, Yaoxiang Jiang, Qingshan Lu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Dynamic exchange effect induced multi-state magnetic phase diagram in manganese oxide Pr1-xCaxMnO3, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 805, 50(2019).

66. Ariunbayasgalan Alyeksyei, Ning Jiang, Yaoxiang Jiang, Qingshan Lu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Anisotropy magnetoelectric coupling in NiFe2O4/Bi5Ti3FeO15 0-3 type nanocomposite films, Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters, 13, 1800691(2019).

67. Zhehong Tang, Bo Yang, Jieyu Chen, Qingshan Lu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Strong magnetoelectric coupling of Aurivillius phase multiferroic composite films with similar layered perovskite structure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 772, 298(2019).

68. Chen Tian, Qingshan Lu, Shifeng Zhao, Monodispersed and hierarchical silica@manganese silicate core-shell spheres as potential electrodes for supercapacitor, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 277, 475(2019).

69. Tao Yang, Qingshan Lu, Shifeng Zhao, Monodispersed Silica@Nickel Silicate Hydroxide Core-Shell Spheres for Supercapacitor Electrodes, Physica status solidi A, 216, 201900395, (2019).

70. Jicheng Wang, Qingshan Lu, Shifeng Zhao, Two–dimensional g–C3N4/α–AgAl0.4Ga0.6O2 p–n heterostructure with improved visible–light–driven photocatalytic property, Applied Surface Science, 470, 150(2019).

71. Yulong Bai, Ning Jiang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Giant magnetoelectric effect in pseudo 1–3 heterostructural films with FeGa nanocluster-assembled micron scale discs embedded into Bi5Ti3FeO15 matrices, Nanoscale, 10, 9816(2018). 后封面论文.

72. Yulong Bai, Bo Yang, Hao Zhang, Xin Wu, Ning Jiang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Multi−interface Spin Exchange Regulated Biased Magnetoelectric Coupling in Cluster−assembled Multiferroic Heterostructural films, Acta Materialia, 155, 166(2018).

73. Jieyu Chen, Zhehong Tang, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), High energy storage performances in lead-free BaBi3.9Pr0.1Ti4O15 relaxor ferroelectric films, Applied Physics Letters, 113, 153904(2018).

74. Chen Tian, Shifeng Zhao, Qingshan Lu, Self-templated synthesis of mesoporous manganese silicates as an electrode material for supercapacitor, Ceramics International, 44 17007(2018).

75. Jieyu Chen, Zhehong Tang, Qingshan Lu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Giant negative electrocaloric effect over a broad temperature range in lead-free based Bi0.5(K0.15Na0.85)0.05TiO3 relaxor ferroelectric films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 756, 62(2018).

76. Maocai Zhang, Shifeng Zhao, Qingshan Lu, Enhanced photocatalytic performance of silver–based solid solution heterojunctions prepared by hydrothermal method, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 85, 52(2018).

77. Yizhu Sun, Fei Guo, Qingshan Lu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Improved Ferroelectric Photovoltaic Effect in Mn-doped Lead-free K0.5Na0.5NbO3 Films, Ceramics International, 44, 13994(2018)

78. Jieyu Chen, Zhehong Tang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Giant negative and positive electrocaloric effects coexisting in lead–free Na0.5Bi4.5Ti4O15 films over a broad temperature range, Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters, 12, 1700443(2018).

79. Lingyan Dang, Chen Tian, Shifeng Zhao, Qingshan Lu, Barium and manganese-doped zinc silicate rods prepared by mesoporous template route and their luminescence property, Journal of Crystal Growth, 491, 126(2018).

80. Fei Guo, Xin Wu, Qingshan Lu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Near room temperature giant negative and positive electrocaloric effects coexisting in lead–free BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3 relaxor ferroelectric films, Ceramics International, 44 2803 (2018).

81. Yizhu Sun, Yunpeng Zhou, Qingshan Lu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), High energy storage efficiency with fatigue resistance and thermal stability in lead-free Na0.5K0.5NbO3/BiMnO3 solid-solution films, Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters, 12, 1700364(2018).

82. Ariunbayasgalan Alyeksyei, Yulong Bai, Qingshan Lu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), The regulation of magnetoelectric coupling and magnetic exchange bias effects in La doped Bi5Ti3FeO15 multiferroic films, Materials Letters, 213, 114 (2018).

83. Yizhu Sun, Fei Guo, Jieyu Chen, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Improved ferroelectric and photovoltaic properties of BiMnO3 modified lead-free K0.5Na0.5NbO3 solid-solution films, Applied Physics Letters, 25(111), 253901(2017).

84. Yulong Bai, Fei Guo, Qingshan Lu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Enhanced magnetostriction derived from magnetic single domain structures in cluster-assembled SmCo films, Nanotechnology, 28, 405705(2017).

85. Jieyu Chen, Zhehong Tang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Giant magnetoelectric coupling effect in lead-free perovskite BiFeO3/Na0.5Bi4.5Ti4O15 composite films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 712, 256 (2017). 

86. Xinxin Li, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Qingshan Lu, Zhiping Wang, Ferroelectric Photovoltaic Response Near to Visible Light Region in BiFeO3/BiVO4 Composite Films, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42, 18246 (2017).

87. Lingyan Dang, Maocai Zhang, Chen Tian, Shifeng Zhao, Qingshan Lu, Solid-state reaction route to synthesis of ordered mesoporous β-Zn2SiO4:Mn-SiO2 composites with ultraviolet and yellow emission, Optical Materials, 73, 241(2017).

88. Maocai Zhang, Chen Tian, Lingyan Tang, Shifeng Zhao, Qingshan Lu, BiOI/α–AgAl0.4Ga0.6O2 heterostructures with controllable visible–light absorption and enhanced carrier separation efficiency, Materials Letters, 207, 8 (2017).  

89. Maocai Zhang, Lingyan Dang, Chen Tian, Shifeng Zhao, Qingshan Lu, Mixed–phase α/β–AgAl0.4Ga0.6O2 solid solution with heterojunction for enhanced visible–light photocatalytic activity, Superlattices and Microstructures, 111, 423(2017).

90. Ruonan Tian, Jieyu Chen, Qingshan Lu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Magnetoelectric coupling effect of Ga0.8Fe1.2O3/Bi0.5(Na0.85K0.15)0.5TiO3 multiferroic composite films, Ceramics International, 43, 10341(2017).

91. Jingjing Zhang, Lingyan Dang, Maocai Zhang, Qingshan Lu, Shifeng Zhao, Characterization of mesoporous magnesium silicate with hierarchical structure and its adsorption performance for dye and lead ion, Surfaces and Interfaces, 8, 112(2017).

92. Qiaoxia Xing, Zhonglin Han, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Exchange bias of nanostructured films assembled with Co/CoO core-shell clusters, Materials Letters, 188, 103(2017).

93. Zhehong Tang, Zongying Zhang, Jieyu Chen, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Magnetoelectric effect of lead-free perovskite BiFeO3/Bi0.5(Na0.85K0.15)0.5TiO3 composite films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 696, 1(2017).

94. Qiaoxia Xing, Zhonglin Han, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Crystal structure and magnetism of BiFeO3 nanoparticles regulated by rare-earth Tb substitution,  Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 28, 295(2017).

95. Jingjing Zhang, Lingyan Dang, Maocai Zhang, Shifeng Zhao, Qingsan Lu, Micro/nanoscale magnesium silicate with hierarchical structure for removing dyes in water, Materials Letters, 196, 194(2017).

96. Yulong Bai, Jieyu Chen, Xin Wu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Photovoltaic Behaviors Regulated by Band-Gap and Bipolar Electrical Cycling in Ho-Doped Bi5Ti3FeO15 Ferroelectric Films, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120 (43), 24637(2016).

97. Chenghong Nie, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Qingshan Lu, The ferroelectric photovoltaic effect of BiCrO3/BiFeO3 bilayer composite films, Ceramics International, 42, 14036(2016).

98. Zhehong Tang, Jieyu Chen, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Magnetoelectric coupling effect in lead-free Bi4Ti3O12/CoFe2O4 composite films derived from chemistry solution deposition, Smart Materials & Structures, 25, 085020(2016).

99. Yulong Bai, Jieyu Chen, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Qingshan Lu, Magneto-dielectric and magnetoelectric anisotropies of CoFe2O4/Bi5Ti3FeO15 bilayer composite heterostructural films, RSC advances, 6(57), 52353(2016).

100. Jieyu Chen, Zhehong Tang, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Multiferroic and magnetoelectric properties of BiFeO3/Bi4Ti3O12 bilayer composite films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 675, 257(2016).

101. Yulong Bai, Jieyu Chen, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Magnetoelectric fatigue of Ho-doped Bi5Ti3FeO15 films under the action of bipolar electrical cycling, RSC advances, 6(47), 41385(2016).

102. Chenghong Nie, Jieyu Chen, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), The ferroelectric photovoltaic spectral response regulated by band-gap in BiFe0.9Cr0.1O3 films, Materials Letters, 175, 258(2016).

103. Jingfeng Li, Qingshan Lu, Jingjing Li, Shifeng Zhao, Structure, optical property, and photo-catalytic activity of solid-solution β-AgAl1-xGaxO2 under visible light, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 49, 54(2016).

104. Jieyu Chen, Zhehong Tang, Ruonan Tian, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Hao Zhang, Domain switching contribution to the ferroelectric, fatigue and piezoelectric properties of lead-free Bi0.5(Na0.85K0.15)0.5TiO3 films, RSC advances, 6(40), 33834(2016).

105. Yulong Bai, Hualiang Zhao, Jieyu Chen, Yizhu Sun, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Strong magnetoelectric coupling effect of BiFeO3/Bi5Ti3FeO15 bilayer composite films, Ceramics International, 42, 10304(2016).

106. Yadong Qiu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Zhiping Wang, Magnetoelectric effect of Dy doped Bi5Ti3FeO15 films prepared by sol-gel method, Materials Letters, 170, 89(2016).

107. Jieyu Chen, Yulong Bai, Chenghong Nie, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Strong magnetoelectric effect of Bi4Ti3O12/Bi5Ti3FeO15 composite films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 663, 480(2016).

108. Yulong Bai, Jieyu Chen, Ruonan Tian, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Enhanced multiferroic and magnetoelectric properties of Ho, Mn co-doped Bi5Ti3FeO15 films, Materials Letters, 164, 618(2016).

109. Yinina Ma, Wenyu Xing, Jieyu Chen, Yulong Bai,Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者),  Hao Zhang, The influence of Er, Ti co-doping on the multiferroic properties of BiFeO3 thin films, Applied Physics A, 122, 63(2016).

110. Wenyu Xing, Yinina Ma, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Enhanced ferromagnetism of Er-doped BiFeO3 thin films derived from rhombohedral- to-orthorhombic phase transformations, Materials Letters, 161, 216(2015).

111. Wenyu Xing, Yinina Ma, Jieyu Chen, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Enhanced multiferroic properties of Eu doped BiFeO3 thin films derived from the rhombohedral-tetragonal phase boundary, Journal of Electronic Materials, 44, 3752(2015).

112. Jieyu Chen, Chenghong Nie, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), The photovoltaic spectral response regulated by band gap in Zr doped Bi4Ti3O12 thin films, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 26, 5917(2015).

113. Qi Yun, Wenyu Xing, Jieyu Chen, Wei Gao, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Effect of Ho and Mn co-doping on structural, ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties of BiFeO3 thin films, Thin Solid Films, 584, 103(2015).

114. Jieyu Chen, Wenyu Xing, Qi Yun, Wei Gao, Chenghong Nie, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Effects of Ho, Mn co-doping on ferroelectric fatigue of BiFeO3 thin films, Electronic Materials Letters, 11, 601(2015).

115. Wei Gao, Wenyu Xing, Qi Yun, Jieyu Chen, Chenghong Nie, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), The ferroelectric and fatigue behaviors of Dy doped BiFeO3 thin films prepared by chemistry solution deposition, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 26, 2127(2015).

116. Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Advances in Multiferroic Nanomaterials Assembled with Clusters, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2015, 101528(2015).

117. Jieyu Chen, Qi Yun, Wei Gao,Yulong Bai, Chenghong Nie, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Improved ferroelectric and fatigue properties in Zr doped Bi4Ti3O12 thin films, Materials Letters, 136, 11(2014).

118. Wenyu Xing, Yinina Ma, Zhen Ma, Yulong Bai, Jieyu Chen, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Improved ferroelectric and leakage current properties of Er doped BiFeO3 thin films derived from the structural transformation, Smart Materials & Structure, 23(8), 085030(2014).

119. Qi Yun, Yulong Bai, Jieyu Chen, Wei Gao, Alima Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Improved ferroelectric and fatigue properties in Ho doped BiFeO3 thin films, Material Letters, 129, 166(2014).

120. Qi Yun, Alima Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Lattice Distortion of Holmium Doped Bismuth Ferrite Nanofilms, Journal of Rare Earths, 32(9), 884( 2014).

121. Shifeng Zhao* (通讯作者), Yulong Bai, Jieyu Chen, Wei Gao, Alima Bai, Optical and magnetic properties of Copper doped Zinc Oxide nanofilms, Journal of Magnetics, 19(1), 68(2014).

122. Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Zhen Ma, Wenyu Xing, Yinina, Ma, Alima Bai, Qi Yun, Enhanced ferromagnetism of cluster-assembled BiFeO3 nanostructured films, Thin Solid Films, 570, 351(2014).

123. Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Qi Yun, Enhanced Ferromagnetism of Ho, Mn co-doped BiFeO3 nanoparticles, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 141, 18(2013).

124. Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Jian-guo Wan, Chuanfu Huang, Fengqi Song, Chang-hong Yao, Min Han, and Guanghou Wang, The influence of nanoparticle size on the magnetostrictive properties of cluster-assembled nanofilms, Thin solid films, 518, 3190(2010).

125. Shifeng Zhao, Jian-guo Wan, Mengliang Yao, Fengqi Song, and Guanghou Wang, Flexible Sm-Fe/PVDF magnetoelectric heterostructural film with large magnetoelectric voltage output, Applied Physics Letters. 97, 212902(2010).

126. C. H. Yao, S. F. Zhao, J. R. Li, Y. W. Mu, J. G. Wan, M. Han, G. H. Wang, Structures and electronic properties of stoichiometric hydrogenated aluminum clusters, European Physical of Journal D, 57, 197(2010).

127. Fengqi Song, Xuefeng Wang, Rebecca C. Powles, Longbing He, Nigel A. Marks, Shifeng Zhao, Jianguo Wan, Zongwen Liu, Jianfeng Zhou, Simon P. Ringer, Min Han, and Guanghou Wang, Calibrating the atomic balance by carbon nanoclusters, Applied Physics Letters, 96033103(2010)

128. Zhao Shi-feng*(通讯作者), Yao Chang-hong, Lu Qi, Song Feng-qi, Wan Jian-guo, Wang Guang-hou, Cluster-assembled Cobalt doped ZnO nanostructured film prepared by low energy cluster beam deposition Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 6, 1450(2009).

129. Shifeng Zhao, Mengliang Yao, Jiang-guo Wan, Yuewen Mu, Jianfeng Zhou, and Guanghou Wang, The microstructure and magnetic behavior of Co nanostructured film prepared by energetic cluster beam deposition, European Physical of Journal D, 52, 163(2009).

130.  Shi-feng Zhao*(通讯作者), Qi Lu, Yue-wen Mu, Feng-qi Song, Jian-guo Wan, and Guang-hou Wang, Smart nanostructure derived by low energy cluster beam deposition, Proceedings of the 2009 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications and 2009 Symposium on Frequency Control Technology.

131. Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Qi Lu, Changhui Xu, Fengqi Song, Jianguo Wan, and Guanghou Wang, The optical band-gap changing of Cu doped ZnO nanostructured film, Proceedings of the 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics.

132. Shifeng Zhao, Yujie Wu, Jian-guo Wan, Xinwei Dong, Jun-ming Liu, and Guanghou Wang, Giant magnetoelectric effect in Tb-Fe/Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 thin-film heterostructure prepared by low energy cluster beam deposition, Applied Physics Letters, 92, 012920(2008).

133. Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Chang-hong Yao, Mengliang Yao, Yuewen Mu, Jianguo Wan, and Guanghou Wang, Magnetoelectric response analysis of the piezoelectric/piezomagnetic thin-film heterostructure derived by low energy cluster beam deposition, Proceedings of the 2008 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications.

134. Yujie Wu, Jianguo Wan, Chuanfu Huang, Yuyan Weng, Shifeng Zhao, Junming Liu, and Guanghou Wang, Strong magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic BiFeO3-Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 composite films derived from electrophoretic deposition, Applied Physics Letters, 93192915(2008)

135. Shifeng Zhao, Feng Bi, Jian-guo Wan, Min Han, Fengqi Song, Jun-ming Liu, and Guanghou Wang, Cluster-assembled Tb-Fe nanostructured films produced by low energy cluster beam deposition, Nanotechnology, 18, 265705(2007).

136. Yujie Wu, Hao Zhang, Jian-guo Wan, Shifeng Zhao, Jun-ming Liu, and G. H. Wang, Preparation and dielectric behavior of magnetoelectric HoMnO3-BaTiO3 composites, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 334-335,1021(2007).

137. Zhongtao Shi, Dengyu Pan, Shifeng Zhao, Jian-guo Wan, Guanghou Wang, and Min Han, Self-assembly of ordered silver nanoparticle chains on triblock copolymer templates, Modern Physics Letters B, 20, 1261(2006).

138. Zhongtao Shi, Min Han, Shifeng Zhao, Lu Zhang, Xuefei Li, Jian-guo Wan, and Guanghou Wang, Self-assembly of silver nanoclusters on triblock copolymer templates, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 19, 2792(2005).



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