星空平台,星空(中国)> 师资队伍> 硕士生导师> 正文>


2019-03-28 文字:  点击:[]





副教授, 硕士研究生导师

内蒙古大学  星空平台,星空(中国) 

呼和浩特 010021



Email: 21546006@mail.imu.edu.cn   


Web of Science Researcher ID: AAA-1111-2022



教育 情况

2013.9-2018.6   内蒙古大学 物理 硕博士连读 博士学位 


2018.7-2020.7复旦大学 应用表面物理国家重点实验室 博士后 


2024.1-至今星空平台,星空(中国) 副教授 硕士研究生导师








(加盟须知)如果有兴趣加盟,您需对材料的力、热、光、电、磁性质有兴趣,并有《电磁学》,《固体物理》的基础知识。当决定招收时,通常需继续阅读以下书籍以便打好研究基础。建议书籍有:精读《电磁学》(赵凯华)《固体物理基础》(阎守胜)《铁磁学》(戴道生,钱昆明)、《电介质物理》(殷之文)、《铁电体物理》(钟维烈);熟读《超导物理》(张裕恒)、《低温物理》(曹烈兆,阎守胜陈兆甲) 、《金属物理学冯端等著;泛读《固体理论》李正中, 2002适合实验研究方向Neil. W. Ashcroft, N. David. Mermin, Solid State Physics (Cornel University)另外,你还会被要求熟悉使用一种可以解微积分方程的语言,例如MATLABMathmaticaC语言等计算软件包有限元模拟软件包。这些都对迅速开展课题有极大帮助。欢迎对凝聚态物理、微纳器件、统计模拟、有限元分析研究有兴趣的同学报考













1. 国家自然科学基金地区项目 (主持)

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目 (完成)

3. 内蒙古大学高层次人才科研启动基金(完成)

4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(完成)

5. 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金面上项目(完成)








2020年,内蒙古自治区自然科学奖 (二等,3/3)





2.国际学术期刊Chemical Engineering Journal, Applied Surface Science, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Journal of Crystal Growth, Ceramics International, Solid State Communication, VacuumPhysics Letter AAPL Materials, Results in Physics, Open Ceramics, Physica C: Superconductivity and its applications, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Physica B: Condensed Matter, Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, Current Applied Physics, Journal of Materials Science, Applied Physics A, Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry, Current Organic Chemistry, The European Physical Journal Plus, International Journal of Modern Physics BSCI期刊担任独立审稿人;


4.在学术期刊Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 担任学术编辑Academic Editor2024.1),https://www.hindawi.com/journals/acmp/editors/





1. 赵世峰白玉龙,陈介煜 著,《无铅基铋系钙钛矿铁性薄膜》,科学出版社,363千字,ISBN:978-7-03-055664-6, 20183月。


1. Penju Zhao, Chunyan He, Yang Li, Yating Su, Yulong Bai*(通讯作者), Shifeng Zhao(通讯作者), Direct magnetoelectric coupling in Pr doping Bi6Ti3Fe2O18 relaxor ferroics. Applied Physics Letters 125 (2024) 162901.


2. Qiligeer Bai, Xiaoxu Bao, Chunyan He, Dan Wu, Yulong Bai*(通讯作者), Shifeng Zhao(通讯作者) , Precisely Tailoring Ferroelectric Photocurrent via Magnetic Spin Chain toward Efficient Self-Powered UV Photodetectors. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128 (2024) 1376313777.


3. Xiaoxu Bao, Yulong Bai*(通讯作者), Shifeng Zhao(通讯作者) , High performance near ultraviolet ray detector by cluster-wrapped surface structure in ferroelectrics. Chemical Engineering Journal 490 (2024) 151630.


4. Penju Zhao, Chunyan He, Yating Su, Yebin Zou, Yulong Bai*(通讯作者), Shifeng Zhao(通讯作者), Probing ballistic photovoltaic currents in Bi6-xPrxTi3Fe2O18 multiferroics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 44 (2024) 5752–5764.


5. Xianfeng Wu, Hao Luo, Hongyu Guo, Junjie Liu, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao, Tuning of multiferroic traits in BiFeO3 ceramics by electronic structure. Ceramics International 50 (2024) 18853–18867.


6. Yebin Zou, Chunyan He, Penju Zhao, Qiligeer Bai, Hao Luo, Yulong Bai*(通讯作者), Shifeng Zhao(通讯作者), Distinguishable separation of artificial electron-oxygen vacancy pairs using heterovalent doping effect for ferroelectric photovoltaics. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2023, 127, 21999−22014.


7. Xiaoxu Bao, Juyi Wang, Xianfeng Wu, Chunyan He, Hao Luo, Qiligeer Bai, Vrhn Bao, Yulong Bai, Junjie Liu, Shifeng Zhao, The symmetry aspect of magnetocaloric effect in LaxBi0.3-xCa0.7MnO3 manganites. Physica B 671 (2023) 415410.


8. Lei Zhang, Xiaoxu Bao, Chunyan He, Yulong Bai*(通讯作者), Shifeng Zhao (通讯作者), Microscopic Insight into Structure Determination of Ferroelectric Photovoltaics in Aurivillius-Phase Ferroelectrics. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2023, 127, 14599−14612(封面论文).



9. Wenlong Su†, Guixin He†, Xiaoxu Bao†, Chunyan He, Ying Li, Lingding Zhang, Ying Zhang, Jiale Liu, Jiawei Chen, Jieyu Chen, Yulong Bai*(通讯作者), Shifeng Zhao (通讯作者), The practical doping principles of tuning antiferromagnetic state in BiMn2O5 ceramics. Applied Physics A 129 (2023)108.


10. Yulong Bai*(通讯作者)†, Yongquan Chen†(共同第一作者), Lei Zhang, Junyu Wang, Jieyu Chen, Shifeng Zhao (通讯作者), Maxwell–Wagner polarization engineering in ferroelectric photovoltaic effect. Journal of Applied Physics 132, 224106 (2022).


11. Yulong Bai *(通讯作者), Ning Jiang, Lei Zhang, Junyu Wang, Penju Zhao, Juyi Wang, Yunming Li, Shifeng Zhao (通讯作者), The near room temperature electrocaloric cycling refrigeration in Bi5Ti3FeO15/BiFeO3 mesoscopic composites: experiment and simulation. Ceramics International 49 (3) (2023) 42984304.


12. Ning Jiang†, Yulong Bai (共同第一作者), (通讯作者)*, Hengbin An, Huatian Zhang, Yongquan Chen, Guixin He, Shifeng Zhao (通讯作者), Sensitive angle–dependent magnetoelectric coupling in cluster–assembled flexible composites. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34 (2022) 265301 (7pp).


13. Yulong Bai (通讯作者) *, Xiaoli Gou (共同第一作者), Yaping Liu, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao (通讯作者), The regulation of ferroelectric photovoltaics by non–compensated doping engineering. Ceramics International 48 (2022) 5204–5209


14. Xiaoli Gou, Yaping Liu, Ning Jiang, Yang Li, Yaoxiang Jiang, Jieyu Chen, Zhehong Tang, Yulong Bai (通讯作者)*, Shifeng Zhao (通讯作者), Non–ferroelectric intercalation structure based on Aurivillius phase Bi4Ti3O12: a research arena to achieve high energy storage performance. Ceramics International 48 (2022) 9534–9543.


15. Fei Li, Yulong Bai (通讯作者)*, and Shifeng Zhao (通讯作者), Cluster-size-dependent linear magnetoelectric coupling effect in Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3/FeCo composites. Physica Status Solidi RRL 2021, 2100389.


16. Xiaoli Gou, Yulong Bai (通讯作者), Shifeng Zhao(通讯作者)K0.5Na0.5NbO3Bi4−xPrxTi3O12 relaxation ferroelectric capacitor with piezoelectric unit inserted into Bi4Ti3O12 matrix, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 869 (2021) 159313.


17. Yulong Bai, Xin Wu, Shifeng Zhao, Oxygen vacancy modulating inverse and conventional magnetocaloric effects coexisting in double perovskite Bi2NiMnO6-δ films. Ceramics International 47 (2021) 6614–6622.


18. Ning Jiang, Yulong Bai (共同第一作), Bo Yang, Dezhi Wang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Switchable metal-insulator transition in core-shell clusters assembled nanostructural films, Nanoscale, 12, 18144 (2020).


1. Yulong Bai, Bo Yang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), In-situ stress modulated ferroelectric photovoltaic effect in cluster-assembled TbFe2/Bi5Ti3FeO15 heterostructural films, Applied Physics Letters, 115(26), 261602 (2019).

2. Yulong Bai, Ning Jiang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Giant magnetoelectric effect in pseudo 1–3 heterostructural films with FeGa nanocluster-assembled micron scale discs embedded into Bi5Ti3FeO15 matrices, Nanoscale, 10 (2018) 9816. 后封面论文.

3. Yulong Bai, Bo Yang, Hao Zhang, Xin Wu, Ning Jiang, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Multi−interface Spin Exchange Regulated Biased Magnetoelectric Coupling in Cluster−assembled Multiferroic Heterostructural films, Acta Materialia, 155, 166 (2018).

4. Yulong Bai, Fei Guo, Qingshan Lu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Enhanced magnetostriction derived from magnetic single domain structures in cluster-assembled SmCo films, Nanotechnology, 28, 405705 (2017).

5. Yulong Bai, Jieyu Chen, Xin Wu, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Photovoltaic behaviors regulated by band-gap and bipolar electrical cycling in Ho-doped Bi5Ti3FeO15 ferroelectric films, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120 (43), 24637(2016).

6. Yulong Bai, Jieyu Chen, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Qingshan Lu, Magneto-dielectric and magnetoelectric anisotropies of CoFe2O4/Bi5Ti3FeO15 bilayer composite heterostructural films, RSC advances, 6 (57), 52353 (2016).

7. Yulong Bai, Jieyu Chen, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Magnetoelectric fatigue of Ho-doped Bi5Ti3FeO15 films under the action of bipolar electrical cycling, RSC advances, 6 (47), 41385 (2016).

8. Yulong Bai, Hualiang Zhao, Jieyu Chen, Yizhu Sun, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Strong magnetoelectric coupling effect of BiFeO3/Bi5Ti3FeO15 bilayer composite films, Ceramics International, 42, 10304 (2016).

9. Yulong Bai, Jieyu Chen, Ruonan Tian, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Enhanced multiferroic and magnetoelectric properties of Ho, Mn co-doped Bi5Ti3FeO15 films, Materials Letters, 164, 618 (2016).


1. Ning Jiang, Bo Yang, Yaoxiang Jiang, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao, Ultra-Sensitive Angle Deviation Feedback Based on a Jump Switching of Anisotropic Magnetoresistance Effect in Cluster-Assembled Ni0.8Fe0.2 Nanostructured Films. J. Phys. Chem. C 2022, 126, 18931−18942正封面论文.

2. Ning Jiang, Bo Yang, Yulong Bai, Yaoxiang Jiang and Shifeng Zhao (通讯作者), The sign reversal of anomalous Hall effect derived from the transformation of scattering effect in cluster-assembled Ni0.8Fe0.2 nanostructural films. Nanoscale 13 (2021) 11817.正封面论文.

3. Yinina Ma, Wenyu Xing, Jieyu Chen, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者),  Hao Zhang, The influence of Er, Ti co-doping on the multiferroic properties of BiFeO3 thin films, Applied Physics A, 122, 63(2016).

4. Jieyu Chen, Chenghong Nie, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), The photovoltaic spectral response regulated by band gap in Zr doped Bi4Ti3O12 thin films, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 26, 5917(2015).

5. Qi Yun, Wenyu Xing, Jieyu Chen, Wei Gao, Yulong Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Effect of Ho and Mn co-doping on structural, ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties of BiFeO3 thin films, Thin Solid Films, 584, 103(2015).

6. Qi Yun, Yulong Bai, Jieyu Chen, Wei Gao, Alima Bai, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Improved ferroelectric and fatigue properties in Ho doped BiFeO3 thin films, Material Letters, 129, 166(2014).

7. Wenyu Xing, Yinina Ma, Zhen Ma, Yulong Bai, Jieyu Chen, Shifeng Zhao*(通讯作者), Improved ferroelectric and leakage current properties of Er doped BiFeO3 thin films derived from the structural transformation, Smart Materials & Structure, 23(8), 085030(2014).



1. 中国发明专利:一种有效提高超导临界磁场的方法,

    白玉龙,蒋宁,鲍晓旭,赵世峰,申请号 202211665399.6 

2. 中国发明专利:铁电薄膜光伏效应的调控方法、铁电薄膜和太阳能电池, 

赵世峰,白玉龙,陈介煜, 唐哲红,专利号:ZL 201610465599.5

3. 中国发明专利:具有强交换偏置效应FeMn合金纳米薄膜的制备方法  

赵世峰,张冠群,白玉龙,李明浩 专利号:ZL 201710011113.5 

4. 中国发明专利:一种赝1-3结构的强磁电复合薄膜的制备方法, 


5. 中国发明专利:一种SmCo合金磁致伸缩薄膜的制备方法, 

   赵世峰,白玉龙,赵怀亮, 邬新,专利号:ZL201610475905.3

6. 中国发明专利:一种纳米薄膜的制备方法,


7. 中国发明专利:一种BiFeO3陶瓷靶材及其制备方法,


8.  中国发明专利:一种GaFeO3陶瓷靶材和纳米薄膜的制备方法, 

   赵世峰,白玉龙,邬新,陈介煜,肖忠睿,专利号:ZL 201710453477.9

9. 中国发明专利:一种室温固态电卡循环制冷方法 




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