星空平台,星空(中国)> 师资队伍> 硕士生导师> 正文>


2016-07-08 文字:  点击:[]


教授,学硕和专硕 导师

内蒙古大学  星空平台,星空(中国) 

呼和浩特 010021

Email: pywpzhou@imu.edu.cn   






1992.9-1996.7 内蒙古大学物理学专业学士学位

1999.9-2002.7 内蒙古大学凝聚态物理专业硕士学位

2002.9-2007.7 内蒙古大学理论物理专业博士学位 



1996.7-1999.9 包头第一热电厂热工车间 工程师

2002.7 –现在  内蒙古大学物理科学与技术学院 教师

2009.9-2010.9 中科院物理研究所磁学国家重点实验室进修

2013.10-2014.10  美国加州大学洛杉矶分校器件设计实验室访学


2012.12-现在 任内蒙古自治区纳米科学与技术重点实验室副主任














1. 自旋电子学材料与器件

2. 稀土功能材料

3. 自旋波理论



1. 内蒙古教育厅高校项目“自旋轨道矩磁翻转结构的制备与优化”,2019.1-2023.12

2. 国家自然科学基金“稀土磁性纳米管的电化学制备及其表性研究”,2012.1- 2015.12

3. 内蒙古自然科学基金“掺稀土的磁性纳米管的电化学制备及其性能研究”,2010.1- 2012.12

4. 内蒙古自然科学基金“各向异性对纳米层状磁性材料中自旋波的影响”,2007.1-2009.12





1. 2004年,物理实验教学改革,获内蒙古大学教学改革三等奖

2. 2008年,低维结构中的电子声子作用与自旋波及相关问题的理论研究,获内蒙古大学科学技术创新成果一等奖, 排名第7

3. 2010年,纳米磁性多层薄膜中的磁激发及相关物性研究,云国宏、周文平、荣建红,内蒙古自治区自然科学奖二等奖






1、 W. P. Zhou and G. H. Yun, The energy bands and the dispersion relations of the spin-waves in a ferromagnetic bilayer system, Surf. Sci. 553, 75 (2004).

2、 W. P. Zhou, G. H. Yun and X. X. Liang, Brillouin-zone mapping of the spin waves in a ferromagnetic bilayer system, Eur. Phy. J. B 55, 37 (2007).

3、 W. P. Zhou, G. H. Yun and X. X. Liang, Spin waves modulated in a ferromagnetic bilayer system calculated using the interface rescaling approach, Phy. Rev. B, 77, 104403 (2008).

4、 W. P. Zhou, G. H. Yun and X. X. Liang, The phenomenon of even bulk mode variance in a ferromagnetic A-A bilayer system, Chin. Phys. B, 18, 5496 (2009).

5、 X. J. Hou, G. H. Yun, Y. H. Bai, N. Bai, and W. P. Zhou, The energy bands of quantized spin waves and the uniaxial anisotropy in a biferromagnetic system, Eur. Phys. J. B, 78, 111 (2010).

6、 X. J. Hou, G. H. Yun , Y. H. Bai, N. Bai and W. P. Zhou, The eigenvalues of quantized spin waves and the effect of the uniaxial anisotropy, Acta Phys. Sin. 60(5), 056805 (in Chinese) (2011).

7、 J. Y. Chen, H. R. Liu, N. Ahmad, Y. L. Li, Z. Y. Chen, W. P. Zhou, and X. F. Han, Effect of external magnetic field on magnetic properties of Co–Pt nanotubes and nanowires, J. Appl. Phys., 109, 07E157 (2011).

8、 J. Y. Chen, N. Ahmad, D. W. Shi, W. P. Zhou, and X. F. Han, Synthesis and magnetic characterization of Co-NiO-Ni core-shell nanotube arrays, J. Appl. Phys., 110, 07E157 (2011).

9、 D. W. Shi, J. Y. Chen, S. Riaz, W. P. Zhou, and X. F. Han, Controlled nanostructuring of multiphase core–shell nanowires by a templateassisted electrodeposition approach, Nanotechnology 23, 305601 (2012).

10、 J. Y. Chen, D. W. Shi, N. Ahmad, D. P. Liu, W. P. Zhou, and X. F. Han, Fabrication and magnetic properties of La-X (X = Co, Ni, and Fe) nanotube arrays prepared by electrodeposition methods, J. Appl. Phys. 114, 054303 (2013).

11、 H. W. Zhang, W. P. Zhou*, E. K. Liu, W. H. Wang, and G. H. Wu, Magnetic field-induced martensitic transformation, superspin glass and exchange bias in Heusler alloys NiCoMnSn, Acta Phys. Sin. 62 (14), 147501 (2013).

12、 Q. S. Lu, G. H. Yun, Q. Tian, and W. P. Zhou, In situ co-assembly synthesis of zinc oxide encapsulated in mesoporous silica, Mater. Lett. 93, 12 (2013).

13、 Minghua Li, Zhiduo Zhao, Lin Ma, Guoqiang Yu, Xiangan Lu, Jiao Teng, Guanghua Yu, Wenping Zhou, Pedram Khalili Amiri, and Kang L. Wang, The influence of an MgO nanolayer on the planar Hall effect in NiFe films, J. Appl. Phys. 117, 123908 (2015).

14、 Yan Liu, Shuai He, Dan Wu*, Xiaoling Dong, and Wenping Zhou*, Broadband NIR Garnet Phosphors with Improved Thermal Stability via Energy Transfer, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 4, 643 (2022).

15、 Xinke Duan, Yaosheng Wang, Lingbo Bao, Wenping Zhou*, Narsu Bai, and Guohong Yun, Electrodeposition and magnetic properties of CoxDy1−x nanotube arrays, Applied Physics Express 15, 095001 (2022).

16、 Fang Liu, Wenlong Li, Dan Wu, Wenping Zhou*, and Guohong Yun, Photoluminescence properties of cerium‑doped zinc oxide nanotubes prepared using electrodeposition technique, Applied Physics A 129, 344 (2023).






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